STL models for CNC milling machines (3D models for ArtCAM)

Hundreds of STL models for CNC milling machines free download, large selection in the directory 3D models for ArtCAM (own archive of 7000+ models).

  • Useful tips and video tutorials for NC programmers on ArtCAM.
  • CNC machine overview, router overview, wood characteristics.
  • Overview of CNC control programs - Mach3.
  • Overview of milling machine spindles and tips for beginners.
  • Articles and tutorials on ArtCAM and Mach3.
  • Vector models for lasers and engravers in a separate catalog on the site.

Useful tips for milling woodMilling machines smallMilling machines largeSpindle overview for milling machines

Hundreds of STL models for milling machines downloadCharacteristics and application of CNC cuttersArtCAM tutorials for beginnersMach3 setup

New article on the site

ArtCAM Tutorials - fixing STL file errors

ArtCAM Tutorials - fixing STL file errors

In this lesson, we'll look at fixing STL file errors in ArtCAM.... I specifically took one file and introduced into it in advance those errors that I observed during the STL editing process. And also consider methods for correcting and correcting STL files.

New 3D models added to the catalog